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Member of the sponsor committee (ENG)

Description of function:

The sponsor committee consists of a chairman and a number of members. The sponsor committee aims to professionalise the current sponsorship policy of NFC, to keep the current sponsors and to expand the sponsor base.

The tasks of the sponsor committee are:
- writing a "sponsor menu" for approval to the board.
- submitting a sponsoring budget, for approval to the board.
- ensuring the correct registration of the sponsor contracts.
- archiving copies of the sponsor contracts.
- maintaining contact with potential sponsors.
- building and maintaining the sponsorship network.
- concluding contracts with new sponsors.
- taking care of the communication to sponsors.
- organizing sponsoring activities.
- organizing fund raising activities within NFC.

Time commitment: on average 2 hours per week

Reageren op de vacature

Vul hier de naam van uw kind in, indien u ouder bent van een jeugdlid. / In case you are a parent of a youth member, please fill in the name of your child.

* = verplicht
Vacature Titel
Onderhoudsmedewerker Klusser (NL)
Onderhoudsmedewerker Handy(wo)man (ENG)
Commissielid Lid van de barcommissie (NL)
Commissielid Member of the bar committee (ENG)
Commissielid Lid van de sponsor commissie (NL)
Commissielid Member of the sponsor committee (ENG)
Barmedewerker Bar vrijwilliger (NL)
Barmedewerker Bar volunteer (ENG)
Wedstrijdsecretaris Wedstrijdsecretaris (NL)
Wedstrijdsecretaris Match day secretary (ENG)
Kledingbeheer Coordinator Kleding (NL)
Kledingbeheer Coordinator clothing (ENG)
Jeugdcommissie Jeugd coordinator (NL)
Jeugdcommissie Youth coordinator (ENG)
Websitebeheer Webmaster / social media manager (NL)
Websitebeheer Webmaster / social media manager (ENG)

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